Despite what we might believe, bad days aren't exclusive to us humans. Animals are just as likely to have some not-so-good days that probably make them want to go back to bed and start all over again.
To show those down-on-their-luck members of the animal kingdom some appreciation, we've collected a few snapshots of those bad days in action. Some will make you feel sympathetic for the poor little creature going through a tough time, while others just might make you chuckle.
But for the most part, I'm sure you'll catch yourself saying "Same, buddy, same." Because we've definitely all been there before.
To show those down-on-their-luck members of the animal kingdom some appreciation, we've collected a few snapshots of those bad days in action. Some will make you feel sympathetic for the poor little creature going through a tough time, while others just might make you chuckle.
But for the most part, I'm sure you'll catch yourself saying "Same, buddy, same." Because we've definitely all been there before.
1. "And then...and then there was all this snow."

But that's exactly what happened, and the utter shock of that experience clearly hasn't worn off yet.
2. "Halp."

How else do you explain him wedging himself inside the itty-bitty hole of a recycling bin? A rookie mistake if I've ever seen one.
3. Step siblings don't always see eye to eye.

Break it up, fellas! You're family now.
4. "Bad boy, bad boy, whatcha gonna do?"

5. "Do you think this is funny?"

6. "I bet you're wondering how I got here."

"Putting the clues together, it seems he pooped, got it stuck on his foot, ran in circles trying to get it off, and flipped over. Good job buddy."
7. This is why you never buy from Craigslist.

And it definitely doesn't look happy to have been part of a two-for-one deal.
8. Playtime is over.

The photo of this moment really adds to what I can only imagine was already plenty of shame and regret.
9. Don't worry, an old priest and a young priest are on their way.

Thankfully, owners are almost always nearby with their phones, ready to snap a hilarious pic of their pet's mistakes.
10. Babysitting really comes at a price.

Now, unfortunately, that means it's bath time for everyone...
11. "I've made a terrible mistake."

This kitty didn't think that far ahead, and needed his owners to come rescue him, earning him the well-deserved title of "idiot."
12. Speaking of rescue missions...

"Somehow our dog opened the upstairs screen door and ended up following our cat onto the roof. He required consoling before coming back inside."
13. "I think a squirrel fell off my roof..."

And then quickly learned how wrong he really was.
14. The look of utter betrayal.

You just can't recover from that kind of hurt.
15. Big dog meets even bigger dog.

Are we positive that's not a bison, though?
16. Ralph hates Fourth of July.

17. Tattle-tail.

"Sarah (dog) stole a bite of Stella's food and Stella came running to me in the kitchen to literally bitch about it."
18. Well now this one just breaks my heart.

19. "Ding dong."

Yes, this dog is having a very bad day. But in about 0.5 seconds, I'm sure it got infinitely better.
20. "Used the wrong shampoo."

Of course, he very quickly realized he'd made a pretty big mistake. Thankfully, the dye was safe and totally washable. Phew!
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