Now, I know that this article is going to get a lot of "adopt, don't shop" comments, and that's understandable, but I am a firm believer that once the animals have been born, they deserve loving homes, regardless of the circumstances.
Rather than shaming pet owners who may have gone to a pet store or questionable breeder, it's more important to direct that anger towards promoting best practices and properly regulating animal breeding in ways that disincentives the harmful ones.
Rather than shaming pet owners who may have gone to a pet store or questionable breeder, it's more important to direct that anger towards promoting best practices and properly regulating animal breeding in ways that disincentives the harmful ones.
A six-year-old blind cat named Moet is a great example of why it's important to promote better pet adoption practices.

In such a situation, illness is common and when Moet became sick, perspective buyers wouldn't consider choosing her.
Eventually, her illness progressed to the point where she began to go blind and developed an infection in her eyes.

There, Moet's eyes had to be removed completely and she began the road to recovery.
Soon after, Emily Shotter, a recent arrival from the U.K., was looking for a companion for her current cat.
Two years later, Moet is an energetic diva with a sizeable social media presence.