By Richard Fallon
It’s no secret that the way that humans are treating this planet is causing
many animals to become extinct. It is therefore all of our duties to do our bit to save our own corner of
this planet.
This should start close to home.
If you live in an urban area, you may not think about wildlife too much.
After all, there probably doesn’t appear to be too much of it on show. But
there are animals that you may not realize are there. You’ll no doubt have
plenty of birds in the area, you may even have foxes, hedgehogs, or
squirrels, you may even have a baby owl or two. But just because you don’t ever see these animals, it doesn’t
mean that they are not there. But just because they are there, it doesn’t
mean that they are not affected by human existence and the way in which we
In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the ways that you can help the
wildlife in your area.
Clean Up Any Litter
The first thing that you should do to protect the wildlife in your area is
to clean up any waste that you may find lying around. While litter is an
eyesore, it can also be very harmful to local wildlife who may swallow it or
get trapped by it.
If you see any litter, even if it’s not yours, you should pick it up.
Plant Native Plants
If you want to attract local wildlife to your garden, you should plant
native plants. This will give shelter for any animals that may happen to use
your garden while attracting bees and butterflies to help to pollinate your
Slow Down When Driving
When you are driving, particularly at night, you should slow down to avoid
any kind of collision with any animals that may be crossing the road. Keep
your eyes open for any animals whose habitats may have been divided up by
the building of a road.
Use Window Decorations
Using window decorations is a great way of preventing birds from flying
directly into your window. Some birds may not see that you have glass,
meaning the bird will fly straight into the window.
Feed The Birds
Use a bird table and some birdseed to feed the birds. If you regularly put
bird food out in your garden, you’ll find that you get many different types
of birds coming back and visiting your feed table on a regular basis.
Keep Fresh Water For The Birds
In addition to feeding the birds, you may want to also keep some fresh water
out for the birds too. You may also want to put bowls of fresh water down
for other thirsty animals that may come to visit your garden.
Make A Pond
Dig a pond in your garden. Keep the edges of your pond nice and shallow This
will help you to attract newts and frogs into your pond.