Do I really need to pick up your poop?
© Monika Wisniewska/Shutterstock
Back in the day, when you took your dog for a walk, they would do their business, and then you'd keep on walking. It wasn't until Boomers were growing up and plastic bags were everywhere that people started picking up their dog's waste. Fast forward 50 years, and dog poop totals about 10 million tons per year (that's more than human waste in 1959). Dog owners everywhere are determined to keep their yard tidy and are required to keep public spaces clean.
But, there's a problem—a plastic problem. Americans use close to 1 billion single-use plastic bags per year, according to the Center for Biological Diversity. So, as a responsible dog owner, what should you do? Leave the waste where it lies? Wrap it in plastic and throw it away?
Why do you follow me into the bathroom?
© Gladskikh Tatiana/Shutterstock
Your dog is the furry companion you can always count on to be by your side, even when you don't need it ... like when you're using the bathroom! While it's true we often attend their potty breaks, do they really have to attend ours? If you've been wondering, "Why does my dog follow me?" we've got answers.
If your dog follows you into the bathroom, it's likely a result of their animal instinct and pack mentality. Canines who do this are referred to as "Velcro dogs," due to their desire to be attached to your side. They may follow you around, even to the bathroom, to protect a part of their pack. Without you in sight while you're home, they may feel a sense of vulnerability.
Why do you spin around before you poop?
© Wasitt Hemwarapornchai/Shutterstock
Most dog owners have probably been puzzled (and possibly impatient) waiting for their dog to do its business. Instead of just finding a soft area of grass to go number two, they make a whole ritual out of it, spinning in a circle before finally squatting. Luckily, the ultimate pet owners' question may finally have been answered.
A few theories have circulated about why dogs might circle before pooping, and most are similar to the reasons they spin before lying down. Trampling around in a circle would flatten the grass around, which would keep tall blades from trapping their waste and hitting their tushes while they poop (yuck). Another explanation could be that they're scanning for snakes and predators before they become completely occupied.
Should you be wearing a seat belt?
© Family Handyman
Chances are, you buckle up when you're on the road but think nothing of leaving your dog untethered. If so, join the crowd—84 percent of pet owners don't restrain their dogs on car trips, according to a survey done by the AAA along with Kurgo, a pet company, in 2011. Even if you've got the chillest dog on the planet and see no reason to confine her (as 42 percent of survey respondents believed) or you're just going on a quick drive, the short answer for "does your dog need a seat belt" is: Yes they do, says Lindsey A. Wolko, founder of the Center for Pet Safety (CPS), a nonprofit research and consumer advocacy organization.
Why do you eat poop?
© xtotha/Shutterstock
According to Pet MD, one of the more common reasons dogs will eat their poop is mimicking what they've seen while growing up. It's typical for mothers to eat the puppy's feces in order to protect the puppy from predators. Without feces, there's no scent to track. The puppy will obviously mimic the behavior of the mother.
Why do you dig in flower beds?
© gabriel12/Shutterstock
Dogs often dig due to boredom. To prevent your pet from heading to your flower beds for some fun, create a play zone all their own. Dig out a shallow area in your yard, then fill with sand and some toys. This play pit should be much more enticing than your flower beds.
Why is your nose wet?
© Jane E A Smith/Shutterstock
Anyone who has just gotten nuzzled by an affectionate dog knows you'll probably need to wipe your face afterward. Turns out that dogs have wet noses for several important reasons, says Pete Lands, DVM, Director of Emergency and Critical Care at Saint Francis Veterinary Center in Swedesboro, New Jersey.
First, dogs' noses secrete mucus, which helps them track smells in the air. "One of the reasons that the noses are going to be wet is because the secretion will come out of the inner part of the nose and sit on the top of the nose," Lands says.
Another reason? Dogs don't sweat the way humans do. Their noses act as a cooling mechanism and evaporating fluid from their nose to help cool their bodies.
How much exercise do you need?
© Dorottya Mathe/Shutterstock
Family tree that is. Hundreds of years of breed-specific genetics run through your dog's veins, and it's best to cater to their genetics for optimal mental and physical health. For example, dogs that were bred to herd, pull carts, or hunt will need more exercise because historically, their days were filled with activity and their bodies were made to move more often. On the other hand, some toy breeds, such as the Shih Tzu and Pekinese, prefer snuggle time over leash time—these breeds were bred to be lap dogs for royalty.